This You Can Do It Learning Kit is the Economical Way in Learning How to Create Realistic Trees for Any Scale from Woodland Scenics.
Learning Kits are value-packed tools that help beginning modelrailroaders learn how to use Woodland Scenics' scenery system.Trees Learning Kit teaches modelers how easy it is to make and addtrees to their layout.Once you finish this kit, you'll have all the skills you need tomodel an entire forest. The following is included in this kit: -Plastic Tree Armatures (Pine and Deciduous). -Medium Green Clump Foliage. -Conifer Clump Foliage. -Hob-e-Tac Adhesive. -Instructions. Trees range in size from 3/4" to 8". All armatures come with a base. Use different colors of foliage with varied placement for realism and variety on your layout. Package is hangable.
One Complete Tree Learning Kit
To learn more detailed and advanced techniques, see Woodland Scenics books, videos and other Learning Kits.