Star Wars: Return of the Jedi Clear Vehicle Plastic Model Kit Set

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Star Wars is an American epic space opera franchise based on the film series by George Lucas, which included nine film episodes. It began in 1977 with the legendary "Star Wars" film and has since become a pop culture phenomenon, including additional films, books, computer games, and television series. Over 28 years, the franchise has become the most successful film production in the history of the world. The franchise's action is set in distant space at the start of each film: "A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away...". This model set authentically recreates the vehicle set used in "Star Wars: The Last Jedi", also known as "Star Wars: Episode VIII" from 1977. The set has four popular vehicles made from transparent plastic, including X-wing (1/144 scale), Y-Wing (1/144 scale), Millennium Falcon (1/350 scale), and Death Star (1/2700000).