Bend plastic Deciduous Tree Armatures into any shape. Select from various sizes for all your modeling needs.
Landscaping material for adding color, texture, and realism to terrain contours on your model layout. Dark brown molded plastic is Easily bendable Use the bases provided for standing the tree, or make a hole in your layout to place the tree in. Various types and sizes Use on any scale TR1120:Height: 3/4" - 2" (1.9 cm - 5 cm) | Includes 114 Trees Complete instructions (on the package) make it easy to use and virtually foolproof.
Clump-Foliage or Fine-Leaf Foliage Hob-e-Tac (WOOU1405) Scenic Cement (WOOR1401)
product SPECS:
TR1120:Height: 3/4" - 2" (1.9 cm - 5 cm) | Includes 114 Trees TR1121:Height:2" - 3" (5.08 cm - 7.62 cm)| Includes 57Trees TR1122:Height:3" - 5" (7.62 cm - 12.7 cm)| Includes 28Trees TR1123:Height:5" - 7" (12.7 cm - 17.7 cm)| Includes 12 Trees
To learn more tips and techniques, using Woodland Scenics products, read "The Scenery Manual" (WOOC1507).